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Lion Secure Overview

  • No cover required for Policyholder
  • 2 Family Options available
  • Up to 6 Children on Family Plans
  • Up to 10 Extended Family Members
  • Minimum premium of R41
  • Up to 4 Beneficiaries
  • R30000 Maximum cover per Life Assured
  • Annual increase: No premium and No cover increase
  • Lion Life Assist
  • All outstanding premiums will be deducted from claim amount

Entry Ages

Policyholder individual – family: 18 – 65

Spouse: No limitations

Children: 0 – 20 (21 – 25 will be covered if fulltime student –
Cover indefinitely if physically- or mentally disabled)

Parents: 35– 84

Extended Family: 18 – 84

Pensioners: 66 – 84

  • LionLife Assist Helpline:

    • The Lion Life Assist Helpline aims to provide its clients with the best value added benefits for emergency, funeral, legal, health and trauma services which reduce the impact of any dire occurrence that life may present.
    • As a LionLife policyholder, you have 24/7 access to these excellent benefits. We encourage you to use these benefits and experience what positive difference it can make in your life.
    • When phoning the helpline, you will be required to quote your LionLife policy number, or alternatively your personal details to verify your membership.
  • What it offers:

    • Personal Health Advisor
    • Emergency Medical Services
    • HIV/AIDS advice and counselling
    • Legal Assist
    • Funeral Assist and Repatriation of mortal remains
    • Telephonic Trauma Counselling
    • Tax and Financial Assist
    • Point-to-Point Transportation
    • Teacher on Line

Waiting Periods from Acceptance Date

  • No waiting period for Accidental deaths
  •  6 months waiting period for Natural deaths
  • 12 months waiting period for suicide

No Claim Bonus

Loyalty No Claim Bonus available, which pays up to R5000 on the date elected by the policyholder in the event that all premiums are paid up to date.